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Development Officers Efficiency Bar Exam Application 2024

Apply for the 2024 Development Officers Efficiency Bar Exam and advance your career in development management. Don't miss this opportunity!
Lanka Career
Development Officers Efficiency Bar Exam Application 2024

The Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration, under the Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils, and Local Government, will conduct the First, Second, and Third Efficiency Bar Examinations for the Development Officers' Service in June 2024.

These exams will be held at the district level and overseen by the Director General.


Summery of DO Bar Exam

OrganaizationThe Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration
CandidateDevelopment Officers (DO)
ExamEfficiency Bar Exam (EB)
Application Open 8.00 a.m. on 15-04-2024
Application Closed 12.00 midnight on 17-05-2024
Examination Fee 250/- per Subject
Bank Bank of Ceylon
Account Number 92563132
How to Apply Online Apply

Development Officers Efficiency Bar Exam Gazette 2024

Apply Here

How to apply

  1. Click Click to Apply to proceed.
  2. You will be redirected to the Safelink page.
  3. Wait a few seconds for the Generate Button to appear.
  4. Click the Open URL button (at the top and bottom).
  5. It will automatically redirect you to your application.

Online Application for DO EB Exam

Job Materials

Usefull job materials for Development Officers

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