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Rupavahini Job Vacancies 2024 - Marketing Executive

Exciting opportunity at Rupavahini! Join us as a Marketing Executive and drive our brand to new heights. Apply now for a rewarding career!
Lanka Career
Rupavahini Job Vacancies 2024 - Marketing Executive

Description of Rupavahini Job Vacancies 2024 - Marketing Executive

OrganaizationSri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation
PostMarketing Executive
QualificationsGCE Ordinary Level (O/L)
CandidateMale & Female
Age18-40 years
Closing Date 18-03-2024
Telephone 0112698187
How to Apply By Email/Register Post
Address Director General,
Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation,
Independence Square,
Colombo 7

Rupavahini Job Vacancies 2024 - Marketing Executive Official Advertisement

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Job Materials

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  2. Then an application or download button will be generated.
  3. Please wait for a few seconds.
  4. After the Application Download/Apply button will appear.

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