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Data Entry Job Vacancies 2024 - Simple Books

The Future of Data Entry Jobs: Explore Lucrative Job Vacancies in 2024 at Simple Books. Data Entry Job Vacancies 2024.
Lanka Career
Data Entry Job Vacancies 2024 - Simple Books

Are you ready to step into the future of data entry? At Simple Books, we are thrilled to announce a wave of lucrative job vacancies in data entry that will shape the industry in 2024. With technology advancing at a rapid pace, the job landscape is evolving, and data entry is no exception.

submit your resume and cover letter to We value the opportunity to get to know you and explore how you can contribute to our team. Apply today and be a part of our growing organization. For further inquiries, you can contact us at 011 4 060 909. Office is located in Colombo 03.


Description of Data Entry Job Vacancies 2024 at Simple Books

OrganaizationSimplebooks (Pvt) Ltd
PostData Entry Operator
QualificationsGCE Advance Level (A/L)
Tel No011-4060909
How to Apply Send CV by E-mail
Closing Date 19-03-2024

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Lanka Career
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